Monday, April 20, 2009

Funny Face

Blech, I may be the most awkward photo poser ever. I actually am pretty terrible at forced photos, which I suppose is ironic since I submit myself to it on a fairly regular basis. But whenever there are those pictures with a whole bunch of people standing and smiling together, I am always the one with the too-wide-how-long-do-i-have-to-grin grin. Woe is me.

This is that skirt, based on an APC skirt, that my mom made me a while back. I wear it too often, but I love it so much. I have more projects for her when I get home...maybe I should just learn how to sew? Nah, having things mom-made is so much better plus I am a disaster at all things crafty.


cpc said...

oh no, I love your photos!

you have a great photographer.

mmmmmmm said...

cool photography!
like all that backlit 70's style stuff.
please let me know what you think of my artwork...