Thursday, November 20, 2008

the road of excess leads to the palace of wisdom

I've always had a certain fascination with Oscar Wilde, his life, his writings and his philosophy. Admist the malaise of the fin de siècle, he promoted ideals of Aestheticism and Decadence, that art existed for art's sake (without moral or social presumption) and that life itself was a work of art. He dressed luxuriously, always with a green carnation on his lapel and a witticism on his lips.

Although I wish I could live a life of decadence, I am but a poor student, and other things, like eating, take priority. But, layering luxurious fabrics that are shiny, sheer, gold and velvet mixed with ring-heavy fingers let me pretend that I am anything but...

When I wear them all at once, I feel a bit like a magpie and I kinda like it.

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