Monday, June 30, 2008

La Vie Quotidienne: Sore Throat & Pyjamas (pajamas?)

Sickness in the summer is just awful. With this insanely sore throat that I'm sporting, all I wanted to do is lie in bed in comfort all day. However, errands had to be run. Now, all through university I was rather uppity towards those girls who walked around campus in sweatpants, or worse, pyjama pants tucked into their Uggs. I definitely did not want to pull that look (no Uggs in my closet, thank you) but I had an overbearing desire to remain pyjama-d. So...
I elected to wear my XL men's silk pyjama top (from a charity shop, thoroughly cleaned)...paired with minnetonkas. Got a couple strange looks in the grocery store but in my mind I pretended I was referencing the pyjama suits of the 1970s. (Excuse the facial expression: it's the 'I'm sick and feel like I look it' look).

Upon returning home, me and the bf made banana smoothies and brie, basil tomato sandwiches.I have finally crawled back into bed-- this time in my full pyjama suit--with the plan of soothing my throat with some tea, biscuits, strepsils, fashion mags and harold & maude (to continue the 70s theme). Being sick does have its perks...

(Note the Lula (#6) in the background. I've had it since it came out in February but, since it is only published bi-annually, I really like to take my time going through it. It's a little strange but I'm almost finished!)

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