Sunday, June 29, 2008

If ever, if ever a Wiz there was...

I ventured to the South Bank today because the BFI (British Film Institute) was screening The Wizard of Oz, a one day only matinee. Being screened at 2pm meant that I was surrounded by many a screaming child, but the flipside was hearing them whisper "How does the horse change colour? It's magic." Plus, the movie itself, on the big screen, is just as wonderful as it always is.

Now, I was the scarecrow once for Halloween, but surprisingly never Dorothy. So for the screening I chose to reimagine Miss Gale's classic gingham farm girl outfit into something she might've of worn if she were a city girl perhaps. I stole the gingham shirt from the bf, added the belt for some edge (Dorothy was a pretty tough cookie) , had the straw clutch (my own straw basket) and of course ruby slippers.
I also added an extra heart in case I should run into a Tin Man of my own...

And lo and behold, I found myself in Oz!

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