The post where I write slightly excessively about nails:
I am a bit funny when it comes to nail polish. I used to be an avid nail biter, and then after years of new years resolutions and ragged nails, I simply stopped. Now my nails can grow to a nice healthy length happily, and when they do so, I leave them bare. But whenever a nail or two chips, I cut them all down, and paint them. I have a thing about short nails -- at least my own -- where I can't stand them unless they are painted. I think its because I find that my fingers are bit short, and short nails make them look stumpier (for lack of a better word). So I have a ritual: grow nails, nails break, trim nails, paint nails, grow nails, etc. Rinse and repeat.
When I do paint them, I also almost solely paint them in dark colours: navy blue, burgundy, dark purple, slate blue, dark gray... these are all on constant rotation. But, last summer, when at the local CVS with my 12 year old sister, I picked up a bottle of Revlon's orangey-red 'Red Hot Tamale' and her little wide eyes lit up; she wanted me to buy it so she could try it. So I did. I tried it, but thought it a bit too orange [looks a bit less bright in my shitty webcam pic, that's lazyness folks]. But I'm giving it another go recently and now I kind of love it. Plus it makes me think of the surf colour palette of the new Abby Lee Kershaw editorial in the current Australian Vogue that has me all in a tizzy. Could an editorial breathe any more summer in it with her fantastic dip-dye hair and orange lips? I think not. See the rest